I love the bigger dolls simply because sometimes you can borrow from the human world to dress your doll. This is the case with Patti Playpal who's designer in fact wanted these dolls to be able to wear its child owner's hand me downs.
These shoes found at an estate sale are in rough shape but not completely far gone and happen to be a size that fits Playpal dolls. I got out my trusty vinyl formula and went to work on them. First a gentle wipe down with regular water to see what I was working with. This removed much of the dirt. There were areas of grime which I used a nail file to pick out and recipe until it was gone.
There were areas of scuffing and white paint. I didn't want to use any chemicals for fear of stripping the black with it, so I very carefully used my toothbrush to do round motions around this area vigorously and it gradually chipped away and then was gone.
The straps had separated and I used regular super glue as it dries fast to reattach the strap layers together. There was some fraying around the edges which I trimmed away.
At the end I took my vinyl cleaner and used my toothbrush to give a final scrubbing and then wiped away. With a soft cloth I gave it a small polish.
This was the final result which I think came out really well.
This is a side by side before and after. Now these shoes are ready for dolly.