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Dolls for Sale

cute little girl running after butterflies

Next Catch the Butterfly Event Coming Soon

(Make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list to be notified on the next date)

What is a Catch the Butterfly Sales Event?


The Catch the Butterfly Sales Events are massive doll-related purges where we post the following types of items:


Dolls that are Customized: These are dolls that we have customized with specific face-ups, costumes or custom clothing to create an art or specific character piece and then offer them for sale.  These dolls are unique to our shop as they are customized by Heather Rosales and/or partnered with a face-up artist to create a unique collectible.  These dolls can be either a refurbished doll or made from a new doll and the specific listing will disclose which type it is.


Doll Parts - These will be parts recovered from a doll that are useable for another doll.  It could be anything from a wig that is still in good condition or removed from a new doll, limbs that were not used in a project or from a doll that was used for parts, clothing or accessories that were not used because a new doll was customized and the parts were not needed.


Samples - may include outfits we used in a photoshoot, factory samples we did not end up using or going forward with, or maybe we changed the design off the original sample.  It can also include "imperfects" which were items that were manufactured imperfectly and we determined did not meet our standards for sale at full price.


Private Collection Dolls - These are dolls from our private collection that are being retired or not needed any longer.  In our line of work, often times we purchase dolls in order to study or design for them - to make sure clothing fits, wigs fit, shoes fit, etc.  Once we have templates and design specs in place, we may not need the doll any longer and so it can go to a new home.  This can also be dolls from our collections that we don't necessarily make things for that need a new home.


Items are first come first serve and goes to the person who checks out successfully first.

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

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